An original browser game 5 Nights at Freddy's 1 was specially created for fans of survival horror genre. Steady nerves, an ability to stay cool-hearted in an emergency, speed of response and heighted alertness are the traits of character you will need ...


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Five Nights at Freddy's 3

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Description and rules

Just another version of unusual horror playing project known as Five Nights at Freddy's 3 again surprises its followers with the change of rules and the way of behavior in the course of the game. No, the main character has not changed; he is still working as a night security guard in a mysterious city pizzeria. But sinister animatronics again changed their attack strategy.

FNAF 3 Gameplay

Alive toys are on the watch for the guard in the night restaurant. In this variation they decided to choose a leader which is deadly for a player. His name is Springtrap and he will do his best to terminate you. The other characters are presented like phantoms and cannot do you much harm, but they will put you off defending yourself. The cannibal will approach to you through the air-shafts, emitting a distinctive sound that will be detected by the alarm audio feed. And the phantoms will attack you and the cameras, disturbing you and putting the equipment out of order in sequence.

There are several ways of meeting an attack in this game:

  • An acoustical signal, which you can give from the certain room, distracting attention of the wrongdoer;
  • Ventilating grills, which you can use to block an access to the room.
  • To track motions of a toy monster a player has to constantly use video and audio equipment. If the machinery is out of order, a player needs to reload it through a tablet’s functions. The air ventilation system, broken by monsters, is reloaded in the same manner. Acoustical signals are given trough the toolbar of security cameras and are effective provided the monster is not too far from you. The shutters activation is made by a double click on the closest camera. Only one ventilation grill can be closed at the particular time.

    Like the Five Nights at Freddy's 2 game, in the current version 5 Nights at Freddy's 3 a player needs to stay survive for 5 nights. If he fails, there are two variants of the game end: a bad and a good one. The bad variant – you managed to survive during the tome specified, the good variant – additionally you completed all the mini-games which are available every shift.


    Five Nights at Freddy's Games